föstudagur, október 28, 2005


Þeir sem hafa áhuga á íþróttum, ættu að lesa þessa grein.

Þetta finnst mér sérstaklega áhugavert:

"I will gladly give back the medal on a gold platter after we go to court with a jury," Chrobotek said from his office in Toronto. "I welcome all of them -- USA Track & Field, the U.S. Olympic Committee, USADA, IAAF and the IOC -- to sit in a courtroom.

"There is no question in our minds that all procedures were bent and twisted," he added. "Nobody knows what really happened."

Og, auðvitað þetta:

Chrobotek was the former agent for Ben Johnson, the Canadian sprinter stripped of his 100-meter gold medal after testing positive for steroids at the 1988 Seoul Olympics.

Skrítið að maður taki þessu "steroid-free" krappi svona mátulega.

Eins og maðurinn sagði: "HNUSSS!!!!"